Warcraft 3 Reconnection Tool Both Server and Client

Warcraft 3 Reconnection Tool Both Server and Client - this is the official release of final client and server versions. It's easy to setup the configuration of this version in order to use it on LAN, simply create admin game, go to admin game, type "!password YOUR_PASSWORD", "!map" to load the map, "pub GAME_NAME" to create the game, then join the created game... This tool is not a solution for leaver in Garena even if they can reconnect back, they will not do it because leaver usually don't want to connect back to the game that they are losing.

GHost++ 17.0
Released: February 25, 2010
Download link: http://ghostplusplus.googlecode.com/files/ghostplusplus_17.0.zip

This is the Server side tool..! The game has to be hosted using this tool for the reconnect feature to be used.

Version 17.0 is a new feature release. It contains the first version of the necessary code to allow reconnections to GHost++ games using a client side tool. The client side tool will be open source and will most likely be released on or before the weekend, but isn't quite ready yet and therefore is not available for download at this time (It is released.. see below). Please consider updating your GHost++ bots with this code if you plan to use the reconnection feature in the future.

Please be aware that the reconnection feature is new and may still have some kinks that need to be worked out.

GProxy++ Public Test Release 1.0
Released: March 11, 2010
Download link: http://gproxyplusplus.googlecode.com/files/gproxyplusplus_ptr_windows_1.0.zip

This is the Client side tool. Players will have to use this if you want to use the reconnect feature on a server hosted by GHost++ 17.0.

This is the first public test release of the GProxy++ reconnection tool. Please keep in mind that this tool is the initial version. As with the early hosting bots, this is the initial technology that will be used as a base to expand from and grow in the future. Be patient if there are bugs or features missing.

As of right now, Throneit.com and DotaPub.net already support this protocol. It will take some time for other servers, platforms and tools to update to support this protocol, but the tool (and the server) are open source. There are already various platforms and communities working on expanding on these features and integrating them. Anyone is free to use the source code to improve their services for the community. The tool is currently set up to connect to battle.net/pvpgn in LAN mode, but can be modified to be used with many different platforms.

This specific version of the tool (GProxy++) is a "disconnect protection" tool for use with Warcraft III when connecting to specially configured GHost++ servers (GHost++ Version 17.0 and newer only). It allows the game to recover from a temporary internet disruption which would normally cause a disconnect.

When you start GProxy++ for the first time it will ask you to enter some required information such as your CD keys and battle.net login information. This information will be saved to the plain text configuration file "gproxy.cfg" which can be edited with a text editor whenever you wish. GProxy++ runs in console mode (text only) - this was done for simplicity and in order to ensure it can run on as many operating systems as possible such as Linux and OS X.

GProxy++ works by connecting to battle.net and requesting a list of games and then displaying those games on the LAN screen of your Warcraft III. Any games which support GProxy++ reconnections will show up in blue and all other games will show up in white. You will need to connect to a "blue" game in order to be protected by GProxy++. Note that GProxy++ doesn't automatically start displaying the public game list, you will need to use the "/public" command to do this. If you want to join a private game you will need to tell GProxy++ to look for that game with the "/game My Game Name" command.

If your internet connection is lost GProxy++ will attempt to reconnect to the GHost++ server every 10 seconds. In most cases the other players will be presented with a lag screen and they will wait for you to reconnect. However, there is a time limit to the reconnection which is chosen by the server operator and which defaults to 3 minutes. If the reconnection cannot be completed in this time limit you will be dropped from the game.

Since you must join the game from the LAN screen your Warcraft III will not be directly connected to battle.net and therefore whispers and battle.net notices will not be sent in the usual way. GProxy++ will relay whispers to and from you but it cannot make those whispers show up in green therefore they will appear as chat messages originating from you. Due to the way Warcraft III handles replies, you must use the "/re" command instead of "/r" to reply to a whisper, but beware that if someone else whispers you while you are typing your reply the reply will go to them instead of the intended recipient.

As a final note, please keep in mind that GProxy++ is new and may have bugs. If you run into any problems please have patience and let us know on these forums. In addition, if your community/platform supports reconnections, please post on these forums or send me a PM so we can be aware of it for further announcements.

GHost++ 17.0 Custom Build 3.4
Released: March 18, 2010
Download link: http://ghostcb.googlecode.com/files/ghost17.0cb3.4.zip

This is also the same Server side tool GHost++ 17.0 but with some addons..!

GHost++ Custom Build is quite similar if not identical to GHost++. I try and incorporate useful patches from around the forums here so none of you have to, but a lot of them were so useful that Varlock added them officially. Right now there are only a few things that the custom build has that GHost++ doesn't.

GHost One 1.7.266
Released: March 16, 2010
Download link: http://maxdevlon.com/ghost/GHostOne1.7.266.zip

This is Ghost++ 17.0 with a User Interface or GUI.

GHost One is now a major modification of the official GHost++ source. GHost One was originally a Graphical User Interface for GHost++, also referred to as a Wrapper, meaning it was a program that launched GHost and interacted with it. Although GHost++ was very good there were many changes that both myself and others in the GHost community wanted. One of these things was a GUI.

Commands and Features:
Download and look through the program options if you want a full list
([GUI] - feature only for the Graphics User Interface / [cmd] New Command / [wc3] Modification only noticeable while in WC3 / [cfg] Added Config Value / [other])

If you use the multiple GUI/bot feature,
make sure you set different values for each GHostOne instance for these variables:
udp_guiport, udp_cmdport, GUI HTTP port, bot_hostport, admingame_port
also enable phrases(phrases tab)/copy gamename to clipboard only (options tab) on your main bot.

GHost Bot Installer 1.4
Released: March 19, 2010
Download link: http://www.blizzcraft.net/index.php?PHPSESSID=a1af0f60458f64351df810b8c6602ef7&action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=50

This Contains Ghost++, GProxy++ and Ghost++ CB all in an installer.

GHost Installer is an installer 1.3 for Windows (Does not support Mac and/or Linux based OS's yet) which will allow you to install the newest versions of GHost++, GHost CB, GHostOne and/or GProxy++ onto your computer. It can be used multiple times.

Its made by Magnitoo.. For any bug or suggestion pls post it in the forum link..!!! Updates will be posted by Magnitoo on the topic that he posted in ghost++ forum...

GHost++ 17.0 and GProxy++ 1.0 -=- Varlock
GHost++ 17.0 CB 3.4 -=- Instinct121
GHostOne 1.7.266 -=- psionic
GHost Bot Installer 1.4 -=- Magnitoo

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