DotA 6.68 AI BETA Stolen from PleaseBugMeNot

Sad but true. PBMN is demotivated by seeing his work stolen by some copy-paste blogs like dota-utilities and dota-blog.

Stolen DotA AI Beta

Here's what PleaseBugMeNot has to say:

Hello, again. I stood up from bed today and what i see... my work on some shitty copy-paste blog. Wtf? Too bad the version they got is too old... it doesn`t even have the -alldagons mode. The bots are with broken item builds and i bet all 6.68c content isn`t even there. The reworked skills are the old ones. It`s a pity how shitty websites try to earn from others work. I hope everyone who supports me will add this website to his "banned" list. Such a behavior doesn`t help.. it`s demotivating and just PLAIN WRONG. Now i have to fight with myself to start working on the script again. If you didn`t know, editing 90 000 obfuscated lines needs fully determination and concentration and those nasty people doesn`t help maintaining my comfort level. Well, now i don`t care what i`ll release from now on. Working or not you`ll have the AI map... but i`ll rethink my future involvement with developing further updates. Good work dota-utilities. You better hire up an AI dev from now on.... that way u`ll have more interesting updates without blatantly STEALING things.

For us here in DFD, it's good to spread the AI maps to DotA community (since it's free) as long as we don't take the credits. Instead give the rightful credits and acknowledges to the original owners like PleaseBugMeNot.

What can you say about dota-utilities and dota-blog, did they do the right thing?

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