IntroductionHi Guys this is my first Guide and I have decided to make it on my new favourite hero Icarus the Phoenix. Icarus is one of the 2 new heroes introduced in Dota Allstar 6.70, and as such there is no guide available for him. In the playdota forums there is a lot of speculation as to what role to play him as he a a fairly versatile hero. But he is actually a primary SUPPORT/SEMI-GANKER, and that's how i play him{People with contradicting views may stop reading this guide now, but i would appreciate it if you do not spam n0ob}. I generally play on Garena and have played Icarus only in Pub Games but this guide can be followed for both pub as well as competetive games.
Info & Stats
[+] Ranged Strength Hero
[+] High Base Damage for a Ranged Hero
[+] Decent casting Animation
[+] Longest Range of any Strength Hero
[+] Primary Nuke doubles up to give Sight
[+] Can heal Self as well as Allies
[+] Ulti restores full Health and Mana
[+] Only need to visit base for Items
[+] Can Fly
[-] 0 Base Armour
[-] Very Slow Movement Speed even with Boots
[-] Mana Problems Early Game
[-] Fragile
[-] Ultimate Casting Noise causes neighbours to shout "BOMBBLAST"
Level 1 - Icarus Dive
Level 2 - Fire Spirits
Level 3 - Icarus Dive
Level 4 - Fire Spirits
Level 5 - Icarus Dive
Level 6 - Supernova
Level 7 - Icarus Dive
Level 8 - Fire Spirits
Level 9 - Fire Spirits
Level 10 -Stats
Level 11 - Supernova
Level 12 - Sun Ray
Level 13 - Sun Ray
Level 14 - Sun Ray
Level 15 - Sun Ray
Level 16 - Supernova
Level 17+ - Stats
This is the most basic skill build. Icarus Dive is your bread and butter skill, your primary nuke, your blink and your sight in fog of war{4 in 1} and is thus maxed out first. Contrary to what people may think, 2 levels of Fire Spirits is enough in early game to heal you{240 hp is no joke}. We max out Fire Spirits soon after Icarus Dive. Supernova is your Ultimate and should be taken whenever available{levels-6/11/16}. Along with awesome DPS which ensures that you get atleast 1 kill during a gank, an awesome stun{the only one available to him} ensures that the only time you need to go to base is when you need to buy items{OMG! IMBA}. We take Stats at level 10 instead of Sun Ray because he is still fragile and +2 all attributes never hurt anyone. Sun Rays is not taken early as it eats up your mana like anything. Also other skills are more important to be compromised or delayed for even a bit. Plus 25% health early game means a lot.
Level 1 - Icarus Dive
Level 2 - Fire Spirits
Level 3 - Icarus Dive
Level 4 - Fire Spirits
Level 5 - Icarus Dive
Level 6 - Supernova
Level 7 - Icarus Dive
Level 8 - Fire Spirits
Level 9 - Fire Spirits
Level 10 -Stats
Level 11 - Supernova
Level 12 - Stats
Level 13 - Stats
Level 14 - Stats
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Supernova
Level 17-20 - Sun Ray
Level 21-25 - Stats
This is a different skill build. Its a more noob friendly/survibility skill build. This is one which I personally use{doesn't mean i'm a n0ob}. The only difference here is that we take stats instead of Sun Ray at levels 12-15, and take Sun Ray instead at levels 17-20. The justification of this build is that, other things notwithstanding, Sun Ray eats up 25% of your hp. So I generally like to take it soon after I have finished my Heart of Tarashe so as to heal it up soon after. Because at level 12-15 even 1 hp determines whether you win a gank or you lose one. Plus n0obs feel the pressure of 4 Active skills so we take Sun Ray out{its the most difficult to manuevour anyways}. And also a free ultimate orb{+10 all attributes} certainly never hurt anyone.
Bracers obviously because he is a strength hero{can be later upgraded to Ancient Janggo of Endurance}. Ring of Basillus is required because he needs a lot of mana early game and Ring of Basillus is the cheapest item to take care of it+ The extra damage and armor{considering Icarus's 0 base Armor} is always welcome.
Power Treads is the obvious choice because it gives Icarus damage + hp. That's why we take treads over phase boots. Stygian Desolator is the best orb amongst all which fits Icarus{Wtf! U have 2 heals and you want Life Steal also...n0ob} and allows him to take towers.
LATE ITEM BUILDGo for Vanguard only if you are farming really well during Mid-Game, else skip this and directly go for Heart of Tarassque. Ancient Janggo of Endurance is a logical upgrade for your bracer as it gives +8 all attributes + much needed Movement Speed and Attack Speed aura{Dont get it if someone else on the team is getting it} as Icarus is quite slow despite the PTs. Get Assault Curass as it provides Icarus some armor and survivability late game. If cannot farm that much settle for Medallion of Courage instead.{Do not get if the other team has a Stygian Desolator}.
LUXURY ITEM BUILD GOES HERELate Game you can sell your PTs and buy this instead. Along with the +95 MS{as i've been saying all along in this guide and if you still didn't get it then kinda like your brain} Icarus is slow + It allows you to teleport and gank and support{the 2 things you are meant to do}. Save the rest of the gold for buying yourself back incase you die. Late game 80 seconds can either win or lose you the game.
EXTRA/SITUATIONAL ITEMSI personally do not get these items, but if there are a lot of casters in the opposite team and if nobody else can buy them then you can buy these items{namely HoD and Pipe} for your team{as i will be saying, Icarus is an imba farmer}. Linken's if stunners for some reason seem to have a fascination for only you late game.
StrategyEarly Game
In a 5v5 game buy a Gauntlet a Circlet and 2 healing salves{+ incase you randomed Icarus OMFLuck! a Ring of protection} and leaved base. I generally take sentinel bot or scourge bot lane. Last hit, deny and if you get 2 meele opponents{OMFLuck!}harass. Co-ordinate with your teammate for a first blood attempt{Believe it or not Icarus is a good candidate for a first blood thanks to the Icarus Dive} but don't take too many risks. Dont be selfish and heal your teammate whenever he requires.
Mid Game
By this point you must have acquired 1st level of your ultimate{ If not read Early Game guide above}. Continue to farm and rake up gold for your team. Take down towers{believe it or not 1 game I took down all the opponent towers playing Icarus. True Story!}. But at this point you should help your teammates in ganks and finishing off fleeing opponents armed with Icarus Dive. Heal them using Fire Spirits and repeat. Somewhere along this point you must have finished your desolator. If not then you are either ganking too much or dying too much. Remember too much of anything is harmful. Farm a little. For more tips remember to read the additional strategy tab....
Late Game
Gank Gank and take down the opponent towers armed with the Stygian Desolator. Heal teammates and repeat. Oh yeah and the most important thing. DONT DIE. And another MOst important thing. WIN.
Hero SynergyIcarus synergises well with all the heroes. A stunner helps. But i feel these heroes require a special mention.
Her command aura serves to increase your damage + she has an imba stun. And the swap ensures that your opponent doesn't escape at low health.
He is a big beefy beast and it's better to have him in your team than the opponent. Will save you from sticky situations. Just make it clear to him that under no circumstances should he toss you as you are fragile. I have died many a times only because an excited tiny in my team got too trigger happy{or in this case toss happy}.
Her Elune's arrow may suddenly appear from the fog of war and that's probably the last thing you see before you die{5 second stun is no joke}.
Additional StrategyHow/When to use Supernova?
1. When you are really really low health and no enemy in sight:
This is the safest time to use ultimate.
2. WHen there is a gank involving your and enemy team mates:
Stand a suitable distance away so that your sun can scorch the enemy while at the same time the Sun cannot be destroyed by the enemy in time. This you will learn by experience. Chances are you will at least rake 1 kill in the process.
3. When you are ganked and you are alone and fire spirits is on cd:
When you are on really low health take a chance. Chances are most likely huskar or any other opponent with high AS will attack the sun and blast it{all it needs is 5 hits @level 6 and 6 seconds is a long time} and you will die. If by a miracle you survive. The opponents will be stunned and you can make a run for it.
This is the safest time to use ultimate.
2. WHen there is a gank involving your and enemy team mates:
Stand a suitable distance away so that your sun can scorch the enemy while at the same time the Sun cannot be destroyed by the enemy in time. This you will learn by experience. Chances are you will at least rake 1 kill in the process.
3. When you are ganked and you are alone and fire spirits is on cd:
When you are on really low health take a chance. Chances are most likely huskar or any other opponent with high AS will attack the sun and blast it{all it needs is 5 hits @level 6 and 6 seconds is a long time} and you will die. If by a miracle you survive. The opponents will be stunned and you can make a run for it.
Why Ring OF Basillus?
Early game Icarus needs a lot of mana as he needs to spam spells + the fact that he is a strength hero but all his spells are active doesn't help. I would not recomment any other item as it would be a waste of Gold and only delay his core which should be got ASAP. I would UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES RECOMMEND Arcane boots as the mana regen is not much and Icarus needs the extra stats from PTs for survivability + Ring of basillus will help your allies too. Change Ring of Basillus to Heroes only Aura so that you and your ally get more mana regen.
Why doesn't this Guide have any screen shots/Videos?
As you all know Icarus the Phoenix is a fairly new hero.It hasn't even been a week since he is released{This guide was written within 4 days of him being released}. And as of yet no AI map is available where he can be tested. And as I usually play on Garena I have not been able to save any videos so far. I will try to upload them as soon as i can. If anybody wishes to send any screenshots or videos it would be most welcome.
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